Al Fatihah… the respectable Tuan Haji Zulkifli Haji Muharam (Hj Zul) has passed away on the 29th May 2010 late afternoon.
Who is Hj Zul to me? He was the manager for my hajj pilgrimages in 2008 with the travel agency KSB Travels and Tours Sdn. Bhd. (KSBTT).
In my eye, he was an extraordinary man, friendly, well manner and foremost, he was very caring and helpful towards all of the jemaah whether it was his own or from other agencies. We had spent wonderful and memorable times together while in Makkah Al Mukarammah and Madina Al Munawarah. To my remembrances, even while he was sick and not feeling well (even while he was warded in the hospital), he was still ensuring the needs and comforts of the jemaah was well taken care of. I salute you for that.
I was glad that I had the privileges to be an acquaintance of him even for the short period of time. May Allah S.W.T repay you for all your good deeds 10 thousand fold. Insha’Allah.
The world will missed such an honorable man.
I pray for grace of Allah the Most Compassionate to accept this servant of his with the splendor of heaven. Amin ya-rab-bal alamin.
Picture info: Allahyarham Hj Zul is in the middle, holding a cup of teh.